Why do non believers manifest money easier than Believers ?
In the realm of thought, what the Bible calls the Accuser can also be interpreted as 'the voice in the mind that is a troublemaker, insulter and torturer'.
The Accuser can be outside and inside. The inner accuser speaks criticism, it condemns and sows seeds of constant doubt.
This manifests in guilt, feeling like one is at fault or to blame. The problem with this, is that a guilty mind is double minded and we all know what happens with double mindedness.
On my spiritual path, I have learned that the inner peace also encompasses freedom from any rule of self-condemnation. In simple terms I learned to accept that I am deserving and that there is no reason why I shouldn't get what my heart desires. Growing up in church I used to think that I always needed a good reason to support the things I wanted, which essentially were conditions. When I didn't meet those conditions, my mind worked against me and turned it into self criticism which forbade any manifestation.
Things like having a shitty past(which was what I believed about mine) was a condition which worked against me. I didn't think that I was deserving of certain love or friendships because of it. It became a condition which is a hindrance. This manifested in guilt, shame and a condemned spirit.
The problem with guilt is that it is synonymous with shame, pity, disgrace and disapproval. The Spirit within the universe doesn't move inspired by either of those things. That's why sometimes we pray for things from pity and nothing happens.
It moves by universal laws, just like gravity. Gravity is no respector of person. In the same way, in the realm of possibility, the Spirit that is all and fills all, moves with decisiveness.
I've been studying the laws of spirit, and noticed that men like Neville Goddard, manifested easily because they had a mindset opposite to guilt, shame and pity. They were manifesting from an approved mind.
They had great esteem for themselves and so should we. I believe this is what Christ did for us. He gave us the ability to have peace of mind that we can, and we deserve. He gave us the imaginative mind that allows us to see what we desire, visualize ourselves experiencing the outcome, desiring it with all our senses to manifest.
Messed up thoughts get in the way, thoughts that have us set conditions, and these conditions work against the principles of spirit.
In essence, that is why I believe non believers manifest money easier, it's because they have less conditions working against them.
As believers we are taught to keep money at a distance and to subtly not like it. I proved this to myself by doing a little exercise. There' an affirmation that says 'I love money and it flows to me freely'. At first, I couldn't say it because somewhere in my mind, I remembered that the love of money is the root of all evil.
But then you can't manifest what you hate. So that had me reasoning that money is just dust taking another form. Why is it easier to say that I love white stones or diamonds and so difficult to say I love money. It is all dust. Money is just what we use in this era in exchange for goods and services, it can change in the blink of an eye to another form.
Anyway, my point is that the conditions taught from morality are hindrances from being single minded to receive everything we desire. It's a seed that grows into a plant.