What builds the confidence and faith of witches and warlocks? And what can build yours?

Keturah Bartholomew
2 min readDec 21, 2023


Faith has been a weighing alot on my thoughts lately. If our lives are a product of our faith then why is it some people seem to have such amazing lives built on their faith and others suck also because of their faith or lack thereof.

In my morning daily meditation, I saw something in the screen of my mind that answered this. I saw a sacrifice. Now before you think I’m getting all mystical, walk with me here. I saw a sacrifice system which reminded me of what we read about in the Old Testament.

When someone performs a sacrifice, using this as an example, they are connecting the two worlds or realms: spiritual to physical.

The physical act is like a bridge to the spiritual thought. Now here's how this helps with witchcraft.

I haven't studied it at length to give detailed explanation but I do know that in the practice, something is always done in the physical, whether it involves unaliving an animal or something of that kind, to connect the realms. This act, in the mind of the person who is performing the ritual, is like "the amen" to their prayer.

Now this is seen all over the Bible, whereby the physical act, whether it taking a bath in a dirty river or raising a rod over the ocean, is like the bridge "the amen".

The thing is that, because of a lack of understanding of how this works, people tend to shy away from engaging physical acts that are unfamiliar. For example, if you want to get rid of a bad decree spoken over your family, you can write down on a piece of paper what was said and burn it with fire at the end of a prayer. This physical act, engaging your senses, confirms in your heart that it will never harm you again. Therefore it stirs your faith which is binding the two realms.

Without engaging the senses, it remains just a thought and there's no bridge to make it happen.

In the Bible, olive oil was used to connect the two realms. The olive oil on its own has no grand healing power but using it as a binder in the ritual, it becomes the propeller for the faith engine. There are people who still use it for anointing and other purposes and see results. It is because their thoughts have accepted that using the oil is like a seal, it is "the amen" to their prayers.



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