True story: How the mind crippled a woman
There was a woman who took the Bible, and used it to condemn her own mind to the point that she became cripple, literally she became paralyzed. Only until someone came to her rescue and set her free mentally, was she able to walk once more.
This story can be found in the book "The power of the subconscious mind" by Joseph Murphy.
Mr Murphy emphasizes that changing the mental attitude of a sick person releases healing power. By inversion, it also suggests that your mental attitude can also release the manifestation of sickness upon your body.
I find this point to be crucial because it draws in on how important it is to live guilt free and without personal condemnation.
If we think to ourselves that we have not met a criteria, let's say as it relates to the Bible, we assume that we did not live a life that is approved by God, that thought subtly convicts us in our minds in a way that condemns us to accept that we are wicked or evil, which means that when we read through that lens we would naturally assume that the faith of the wicked in the Bible is our just portion. It is even worse when you have a Minister or Mentor reinforce that diminishing theory.
This can literally destroy our lives, instead of living from the expectation of goodness, we would live in fear and doubt.
This is why we should not accept any teaching that condemns us, especially if we want to live in health. The mind is fertile soil, always ready to nature and grow new plants, our roles include planting seeds that only reproduce life, seeds that contribute to our delight and a harmony with the Yahweh universe.