How to manifest money

Keturah Bartholomew
1 min readMar 6, 2024

I heard this really interesting manifestation exercise that Jim Carey used, known as the law of assumption. He wrote on a cheque the sum of 10million, which was the amount he desired to manifest. Everyday he would open his wallet and watch it, until his subconscious mind accepted the reality of receiving the sum. Years later, he was offered the exact amount for his role in a casting.

Here's how Neville Goddard, one of the pioneers of these spiritual laws, breaks it down.

Clarify Your Desire: The first step in manifesting using the law of assumption is to clearly define and clarify your desire. He emphasized the importance of knowing exactly what you want and imagining it as if it were already fulfilled. Use your imagination to create vivid mental images or scenes that represent your desire fulfilled. Visualize yourself experiencing the outcome you desire with all your senses engaged.

Who doesn’t need or want money?! Because not everyone has the time to research or read, I’ve been freely sharing the best of the best in my encounters. If you’d like to keep in touch, feel free to hop on over to patreon for free.

