Our reality is subject to where we place our consciousness
Does your life reflect a garden experience or desert life?
When we direct our attention to the things of the dust, the matter, or the physical realm, we are shifting our frequency just like man did in the garden of Eden.
When adam listened to the woman who listened to the serpent, he was consequently shifted from in the garden to outside the garden where there was desert. The desert symbolically represented hardship, toil, and labor: by the sweat of his brow, he would eat. This is a representation of a lack of harmony with the Spirit of God.
The verse reads Genesis 3: 19
“By the sweat of your face
You will eat bread
Until you return to the ground,
For from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.”
By the process of inversion, which is a technique that the Ancient Hebrew Authors applied, it meant that prior to Adam shifting his awareness to dust, he was able to create from a place of rest. It also meant that when the shift occurred, his identity changed from spirit (we can further examine this where the Author mentions ‘for you are dust’). By inversion, we can see that his synchronicity with the Spirit was only possible with an identity awareness of the Spirit.
Before the shift from spirit/breath to dust, the ground produced a garden-like atmosphere, whilst, after the shift, it was recorded that the ground produced thistles and thorns. This carries huge symbolism for us. Our lives can only reflect a garden-like atmosphere where there is rest. In order for this to happen, we have to shift awareness from the material/physical and focus on the immaterial/spiritual realm in Christ.
This is the realm that Jesus lived from. He was never concerned about the news, gaining followers, money, relationships, or job stability because his awareness was on the plans of the New Jerusalem. He mentioned that He was about his Father’s business, and this can be interpreted as a literal statement. Jesus went about executing the plans of His Father and everything else fell snugly into place because He was in synchronicity with His Father.
The realm that we choose to live in sets the precedent for the kind of life we will live. If our reality is not manifesting the fruits of the Spirit, it’s certainly because we are focusing on the dust and not the prophetic quantum realm. That’s the realm where there is peace.
We have to first shift from survival mode (outside the garden: desert) to creator mode (inside the garden). As long as we keep thinking equal to the desert life (survival mode) we are going to keep creating the same life. To truly change is to start living from the vision of the garden, that’s when a new reality can begin to manifest.